Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Resurrection of Anton Fields

Well, it has been a while since I posted here and it's not because I haven't been working on anything. I've just been too busy with my real job, study and my family. Seems like finding time to draw is fairly difficult enough, let alone trying to keep my neglected blog up to date. But the fact that you are reading this means things have slowed down a little for me, which also means.... time to draw more comics.

Anyway, my latest story I'm sporadically struggling with is The Resurrection of Anton Fields for Strange Aeons Magazine in Seattle. 

Anton in an aimless young man who lacks any ambition. His life is going nowhere. He is about to lose his job and his girlfriend, both of which he is lucky to have in the first place. Suddenly things start to look up as his life takes an interesting turn when he dies.

Anton discovers he is a major asset in a bureaucratic nightmare that has been shaping the world for millennia.

Part 1 and 2 are available in Strange Aeons Magazine #11 and #12 and I am currently working on Part 3.