Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Sparrow Visit TSB

Garden City Shopping Centre at Mt Gravatt is slowly turning into my very own gallery. After completing two TSBs in the area, I have another four to do over the coming weeks. I'll post some photos as I go.

Speaking of Traffic Signal Boxes, Queensland Urban Ecology have just released a new book featuring some great box designs from all over Brisbane painted by over 100 artists. It's a great collection of varied work and, hopefully, the first of more to come. You can order a copy here at the Queensland Urban Ecology website.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Robot Vs Dragon

Here is a new Traffic Signal Box I painted last week. It's located at Mt Gravatt outside Garden City Shopping Centre.

At one stage I was totally saturated with rain. The rain also made some of the paint run, but I have a messy painting style so we can pretend it was deliberate.

Click on the pics for a better view...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jimmy & Emaciated Chicken Meet Cthulhu

This one is not quite finished yet. I'll post the complete version over at the Jimmy & EC blog when it's done.

Planet Lovecraft Issue #2

Planet Lovecraft Issue #2. Cover art by Terry Pavlet.
If you want to get hold of an issue go to the Planet Lovecraft site or contact me.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Planet Lovecraft

Issue #2 of Planet Lovecraft is now available and features... yes, you guessed it, yours truly.
Planet Lovecraft is a magazine based on the ideas of horror mastermind H.P. Lovecraft, inventor the Cthulhu mythos which attributes all things scary and tentacle covered (apart from the scary, tentacled octopus, which is of course very freakishly real).
I have a short two page comic about what happens to children who don't respect the boundaries of the unknown... and get eaten by a big scary tentacled demon.
I'll have another comic in Issue #3 and I think, the cover for Issue #4, which I've posted a little sneak-peek of below.
So if you're a Lovecraft enthusiast, into creepy horror stories or just love cool independent comics you should definitely check this one out.